Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Timothy at the Vatican

This past Sunday was our monthly Fast & Testimony meeting at church. For those of you who don't know, anyone who wants to can go up and talk about their testimony of Jesus Christ or anything else that might be uplifting and special that has helped to bring them strength, comfort, happiness, etc. It is completely voluntary; no one is made to do it. As an LDS mother, one of my greatest desires is for my children to come to have a testimony of their own, and then express those feelings publicly. Since I have boys, it is likely that they will all serve a full-time mission when they turn 19, and the public bearing of their testimony is something they will do a lot. Timothy struggles with shyness in a terrible way. A lot of folks do not realize this about him because he handles himself well around people. From the time they were very small, we have taught and trained and encouraged our boys to have at least the basic people skills, so that they will not be "socially retarded." As I said, in Fast & Testimony meeting, the bearing of testimonies is completely voluntary, but I was beginning to worry that Timothy's fears were going to keep him from taking that step. Well, Sunday was the day for him, and he stood in front of everyone at the microphone and bore a sweet testimony of the Savior and the Church he has come to love. My "motherheart" was bursting!

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