Wednesday, December 24, 2008


This is the castle of Chillon. (Want to try to pronounce it with your best French accent? Try to say it like this: "Shee-own" Say both syllables quickly!) This beautiful castle is built on the shore of Lake Geneva (Switzerland). It is a magnificent place to tour, giving it's visitors a peek into life long ago. A good effort has been made to keep it as original as possible.

As we entered the grounds, there were many groups of school children there touring the castle. One group was sitting on the grass outside where they were about to have lunch. They were such cuties in their school uniforms, smiling and speaking French! I wish I could have gotten a picture of them! We couldn't help but notice their sandwiches made on those glorious crusty baguettes. As I passed by one little group, an impish little boy looked up at me and said, "Bonjour!" As I answered, "Bonjour," he made a hungry growling noise at his sandwich and then said to me, "Bon Appetit!" Cute, Cute, CUTE!

1 comment:

ana said...

Leann, you blog looks great! we enjoyed looking at your pictures and postings. Brian and Ana